Profile picture of Kitty Costello


Buying and selling a home is more than just a business transaction. It is a life changing experience that brings with it complexity and emotions. I pride myself on my ability to partner with clients as they navigate through this journey, helping them understand the home buying/selling process from start to finish and envisioning with them how a house can become a home. Having lived all over the United States with my husband and two daughters, I have first-hand experience on the impact buying and selling a home and moving can have on those involved. I offer true empathy for the adjustments required to make such an involved change.

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“Kitty is committed to providing exceptional service to her clients. She is very friendly and reliable. She always responded immediately to phone and email/text. She was very patient and honest, and always explained everything step-by-step for informed decisions with multiple options available. Even after the purchase, she followed up with me regularly and made sure everything was ok. I’d highly recommend Kitty to any potential client. She is the best!”

